The labs, the security state, the gated community the virtual space
Technology scared all other options out of town
lied about the possibilities
and burned the whole house down
ripped from the ground you found ourselves
engorged on information: indigestible shit,
ploughing past eden
with never a chance to say NO to it
Society reshaped with no one’s permission
centralized command & control, every empire’s mission.
And now that beams and nets surrounds you how to ever break free
how do you even protest this relentless reality?
you been taken hostage by the electronic mob
inside mirrored halls of digital throb
the social order of science dictated by appliances
traded relating to space and time
for the fascination of autistic minds
while your shells dwell in high tech cells
business as usual here in hell.
Caged in the stranger’s dream of isolation
deserted your lives like your land to his desolation:
A flickering blue nothing the only something
But the real gift’s for the boys in charge
industry and military- it was never for us
but you jump on the internet like its some bus
to somewhere real, you say, i’m cool, here’s the deal,
I just use it to get information
your masters say, that’s right: yet in formation!
They got ten thousand devices, the interlocking whole
tumblers click into locks, cocked and ready to roll
Hardware and software, you just suck it up
Have any people ever been so sure about so much?
Stole plastic fire and gardens of steel flowers,
They mesmerized you with hi tech superpowers
Listen in at creation’s keyhole to the death of birth
this insane culture led to war against the earth
grown so spectacularly stupid, trading lucid futures
for living just behind the eyes and in your fingertips
the battle for survival lost to your machines
the sold out film playing all the time on every screen
this complex entertainment package death rehearsal
with the whole family microwavin nachos during the commercial
plugged into voluntary amputation,
bathed in a broil of electronic recreation
suspended into that net like French fries
you go down, this giant science experiment,
from the fire stick to the silicon chip,
proliferation of cancers and profit
the subdivision of our spaces mirrors the race to obliterate time
as you accelerate, they replicate
fill the planet with plastics so you never ever die
The machines are your prosthetics now
cos you’re perpetually disabled, conceptually bowing down
lost in days no longer the size a’ the steps
your obsolete feet would take if you cd. make them walk
lost in life no longer the speed of our skin-
what’s it cost to be skinned alive like this?
surrounded by shiny objects with hideous stories
you sit, parcels in imaginary transit flitting lit
in flight over cables, under killer satellites
what’s it gonna take to fight the buy in?
All life is sold out, tied up outside in the killer sun
panting in the heat of logical outcomes.
Yr bodies disappearing leaving eyeballs, earbuds
& fingers tapping unconscious symbols that chase
memories of relationship from no place to no place.
Extended by devices, hurled down mechanical rails
hanging off of shining infrastructures by one fingernail
yr. mama’s a transcultural commodification
your daddy’s electromagnetic radiation
orphaned into outer space digital prisons of lies
dazzled while impossible electric fields multiply
& burning white glitches tear holes in the sky
carrying bloodless devices as if they’ll save your lives
not seeing how they’ve taken over what’s left of your lives
and you never ask the most radical questions.
WHY have you become this metabolized?
Your kids leashed to their rooms by cords
Now playin means stayin inside
cos that’s where the outlets let em ride
hypnotized by images their hearts can hide inside.
Indoctrination starts early
for the people of the screen
taught to crave gleaming lifelessness
over the open secret of nature you don’t even miss anymore
part whore / part slave
everybody pickin virtual cotton
in the digital plantations of cyberspace.
But I was born ten thousand years ago
when people spoke to nature
I don’t drink your cool-aid, won’t eat your fear
The murder of epiphanies surrounds me, bodies disappear
Hear me disrupt with inconvenient questions
send out spells like bubbles to shake up yr digestion
wanna wake every kid to what he knows is true
before you put a playstation 3 into his hands
he knew
Before all the contests enacted out of context fooled her
before dazzling techno fantasies ruled her
before reality ceased to be real for her she knew:
We are dreams of seeds, breath of beasts
we are shadows cast by clouds and the roots lyin’ underneath
murmurin on the other side of all the buzzing brightness
woven into our animal memories
blue and green, before the great loneliness
I say, don’t teach kids Science till you’ve taught em Connection
and the love of nature, not a world of rejection
time to end the trance so they can transcend
dance till their senses catch fire again
send em to fight the microwaving of the planet
to reject techno-imperialism; the final radicalism
Fuck the functions of division, self enclosed; we want collisions!
They’ll plant their feet in the realm of the mothers
Re-seed the silicon valleys of despair with vegetable eyes
drive their stakes deeper till they hit pulsing strata,
life wants wings, not weights, the fake gravity of data
The life force is a groundtone so constant
we hear it as silence and see it as air
There are dragons buried beneath our cities here
Primordial energies greater than bombs or electricity
They hold the mystery and pray for jailbreaking
dance out of your cages, enraged and enraging
it’s now safe to turn off yr devices, for life
attach to creation as you unplug
& text message all your friends this:
wake the fuck up!
Written by Oak