Friday, June 12, 2009

Let's Celebrate 20 Years of Vox!

The first Vox show occurred at Penny Lane Coffee House in Boulder on October 27, 1989. Comprised of artists, musicians, poets, dancers, feminists, mothers, daughters, and lovers, Vox Femina was a one night variety show that gave birth to what has become Colorado's premier radical theater troupe.

This fall, Vox Feminista will perform its 20th anniversary show and we want your input!
  • What is your all-time favorite Vox show?
  • What are your favorite pieces from Vox shows?
  • How has Vox touched your life?
We'd love to hear what you have to say, so please use the comment function below to weigh in!

The Voxies


Welcome to the Vox Feminista blog! We will use this space to talk about books and music and people and other things that inspire us, and we'd love you to hear what inspires you, too! This is an open space that we are eager to share with you.

If you have a sensational topic for a blog, drop us a note in the comment section and we promise to give you our thoughts on the subject--whether they're extraordinary, absurd, or even grotesque.

Please use either the "subscribe via email" or "subscribe via reader" function so that you'll know when something new has been posted. (If you don't know what a "reader" is, you're not alone. Just subscribe using your email address and move on with your life.) And have no fear, there is no spam involved in this.

Thank you for being a part of Vox Feminista. We look forward to reading what you have to say!

The Voxies