Friday, June 12, 2009

Let's Celebrate 20 Years of Vox!

The first Vox show occurred at Penny Lane Coffee House in Boulder on October 27, 1989. Comprised of artists, musicians, poets, dancers, feminists, mothers, daughters, and lovers, Vox Femina was a one night variety show that gave birth to what has become Colorado's premier radical theater troupe.

This fall, Vox Feminista will perform its 20th anniversary show and we want your input!
  • What is your all-time favorite Vox show?
  • What are your favorite pieces from Vox shows?
  • How has Vox touched your life?
We'd love to hear what you have to say, so please use the comment function below to weigh in!

The Voxies


  1. The first time I ever saw a Vox Feminista show, I remember knowing I would have to see it again -- and bring a notepad. As an undergrad then, I learned more in those 2 hours of Vox than I did in some semester-long classes.

    My only issue was that Vox wasn't nationwide, and I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. But once I showed my Vox DVDs to my friends and family members, they started planning their trips to CO around Vox shows!

    I think Vox's combination of art and activism makes their message accessible to everyone, and I am so pleased and honored that I have been able to introduce more people to Vox's unique and vital work.

    I look forward to whatever Vox has in store for us for their 20th anniversary show and I eagerly await the transcendence of all my expectations.

  2. yay! i loved sacred was the first show i saw!!!

  3. Penny, we are trying to go nationwide, so if you have any contacts for doing that, let us know!

  4. As a middle-age male, I had no idea what to expect when I accompanied my daughter and wife to my first Vox Feminista production. I was completely surprised and delighted with the humor, wit, pathos, and political acuteness of the show! It was a moving, meaningful, and educational evening. This group should be seen and enjoyed by the fuller spectrum of people. I look forward to seeing the next creative show!

  5. Hey there Voxblog. To answer your questions,
    1.) I've only seen Money but it was fantastic.
    2.) Tough to say, it was pretty outstanding from beginning to end.
    3.) The Vox show I saw was centered around a sensitive area of my life. I was certainly touched by the message and have adjusted certain perspectives accordlingly.

    Keep up the great work! I'm excited for more!

  6. Vox Feminista blew me away the first time I saw it. Quite the innovative combination of radical activism, political, social, environmental, cultural issues, wit and, entertainment. My husband thought it was terrific, too. Although we don't live in CO, and couldn't get back there to see "Money," we really enjoyed reading the "Marketing Director Chick's" entertaining stuff! From now on we're going to time our visits to CO to correspond with Vox shows!

  7. I've been going to Vox shows for 6yrs or so. LUV 'EM. KEEP 'EM COMING. I miss Lesbo, tho! One skit that sticks in my mind is the nun who gets rid of her Bad Habit. I still chuckle, thinking about it.

  8. My Favorite show is definitely the last supper to go!

  9. Greetings!

    Lesbo The Clown was hilarious! ... So were the chins!

    Oak's videos and commentary/poetry are often incredible... as is Vampyra.

    You guys do great work- but I wish you would do a show on over-population/glorification of parenthood and breeding. ... after all, it is humans who create war/religion/materialism/greed etc .... it is high-time Vox Feminista addressed the idea that the world simply doesn't need any more human beings.

    I wish you all the best of luck. I have been attending your shows now for nine years, and I am almost always moved to tears- from laughing and from frustration.

    Congratulations on your 20 Year Anniversary!

  10. Certainly, there are parts of various shows that I enjoy more than others. In general terms, I am moved deeply by Andrea & always hope she will do more than one poem during a show. I also like Vampira a lot. The film clips are a great part of the mix with some of the chinhead skits being especially memorable. Other than that, you are ALL an important part of the Colorado activist community.

    Thank YOU for what YOU DO!

  11. Can't remember which show was my favorite, but I always like the painted chins and the skit about the homeless woman making social commentary. And anything by Andrea Gibson.

  12. Wow, so many to choose from...but I have to say I have not used, looked at, or thought of a microwave without singing the "Chicken in the Microwave" song.

    Thank you,

  13. Hey Voxies,

    I've only missed one of your shows in the last 17 years, but at my age memories of them all blend together. I'll tell you a few things that do stand out for me (in no particular order): The Chins, Andrea's powerful poetry, Oak's audio-video shows, particularly a recent one on Israel/Palestine, Vampira's news updates (and Morning Compost Dew's), the show based on Derrick Jensen's Endgame, the show based on Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma.
    I'd say that Vox has influenced my life by being a social support for a radical view of our world.
    Keep up your GREAT work!

    Blessings to you,

  14. oh man ok so i'm doing the thing that the Facebook message told me to! (wow i'm taking commands from a computer!) my absolute favorite vox feminista show was ther purrsuit of happiness that one had me laughing and cry no joke it impacted me soooo much! i can't even beguin to tell you how much vox has effected me and how it's helped me through so much in my life! yay to 20 years! WOOT!

  15. Your shows are sooo increadable...I have always been inspired. The quality of information/ research you pass on is great and very tangable HUMOR...yeah...not just a rant...

    I am sorry not to have the wonderful womans name the does the passoinate,amazing poetry. A gift to ones soul...

    Thank you...Carrie

  16. I only discovered Vox last year, but my favorite thing about Vox is that it inspires my activism because y'all provide information and education that I'm hardpressed to find anywhere else. I also find that Vox encourages me to live my life better; to serve my community better, to make better decisions about where I work, shop or get my coffee. Even though I am only 20 years old, I still feel inspired to live a better life, and am inspired by the feeling of the room when I walked in to my first Vox show. It's a community of people who are truly committed to living life better without forgetting how to have a sense of humor about some of the really painful things about this world. Thanks for the inspiration Vox!!

  17. Wow. 20 years. That's some staying power.
    I loved the film clip that featured a stick figured women showing rage...
    Not sure how many years ago that was, or what show it was from..
    I loved the broke back mountain show.. Especially the oil dance.
    I loved the whole show on the dump. Every bit of it was superb.
    Anything I can do to help?
    Love you women.

  18. Happy "ANNIVERSITY" (life-long learning on loving)

    Have fun choosing the Best Of....
    Would love to be part of the creative process one more time!
    big fat hugs,

  19. Vox Feminista shows are the best way to tickle your feminist funny bone, which needs regular political exercise for optimal health of all beings in the universe.

  20. I wrote a poem after seeing The pursuit of happiness:

    i stretch under the moonlight
    and things don't seem right
    but they're right and i'm here and it's near.
    nearer than comfortable but
    some things happen for a reason
    no explanation needed nor provided.
    i am in here and i am pretty and i can
    be loud too.
    the color displayed,
    splashed on my ten tips is a visual representation of the suffering
    it is all too similar to the madness of
    or is it the clarity in my heart.
    louder. louder than the audience-
    the hands being pushed together at an untimely rate,
    showing glowing glowing up.

    an appreciation that moves upward
    wrapping this hugely intangible force of our hearts
    upon and around the women
    giving us everything they possess.
    and i am left with a rawness bloodier
    and messier than i saw coming.
    the devastation, humility, mutilation and fragility
    leaves me breathless.

    i force myself to stop and pay attention to
    the power of two in that moment and
    just as i thought i lost all ability to breathe,
    AIR. sweet sexy air beelines to my lungs
    filling them just in time.
    i want to say thank you
    i want to unearth my tear ducts again
    taking off all my clothes so i can feel the
    crisp icy frost as i run
    as fast as my hip joints will throw my legs
    one in front of the other
    to catch up to all of my thoughts and dreams
    that escaped through my soul at the mercy of my
    attention span

    and just as soon as the lights went on and i saw
    the first sight of this earth shaking movement
    darkness came sweeping over my eyelids
    my wordsong and my feet
    so easy it is to move back to the mundane conversation
    and stipulation of every other instance
    of my life
    but i'm holding on so tightly to the idea of
    something bigger
    to the idea of collaboration of dismantling
    of taking apart myself in order to understand
    the whole

    but this shit doesn't just happen
    people don't voluntarily throw themselves
    to the mercy of humanity
    sacrifice is something we know nothing about
    we refuse to look it in the face
    to belly up to what is right and what is real

    and now i put myself to sleep with the moon
    and the sharp front of

    **thank you for your work. and for providing space to share these things. they are important. can't wait for this coming show.


Please type your comment here and it will be published shortly. Thanks! ~Voxies